Where To Start Rice Mill Why Breastfed Baby Constipate Once Started On Soft Food ?

Why breastfed baby constipate once started on soft food ? - where to start rice mill

I started my food soft 6mths baby breast milk, such as finely ground rice mixed, mashed potatoes with steamed vegetables like broccoli, squash and carrots. It gives us no consitpation Poo suppositories after 4-5 days.


Mary D said...

What makes you think he stopped? Since the semi-change models, when the introduction of solids. We have 5 months began to eat baby food at 4 months and started to shit every 5-7 days instead of every day. But like the shit is soft, it is perfectly normal. The doctor said that unless the pellet is not hard shit, no, your baby is constipated. Coordination of movements of the intestine does not mean anything. Ask your doctor, but not likely to give, unless Suppository your shit is hard. Doc said once solids are introduced, shit can go up to a week apart and in any color but must always smooth. Also make sure not to mash food only porridge. And milk should continue to be the staple of their diet. One or two solid meals a day is enough for today.

SD said...

It is quite normal that your system is accustomed to solid food. My daughter is 5 days, then I called doc and they told me that it prune juice mixed with cereal and prunes, as they themselves (baby type). Who helped. Just a little getting used to.

Ca said...

Your digestive system is not used to digest these foods. Try a rice porridge for babies to change. We just my babies from 6 months of rice and oat flour is much more irregular and effort when you shit. Good luck, hope this helps

ayabunad... said...

Bananas, rice, cereal and applesauce all tend to cause a fixed chair. Carrots and squash are astringent for some babies. Pears, peaches, plums, apricots, peas and prunes make stool softer. By balancing the diet can often keep the stools comfortably mid-range. If the chairs are also companies, the juice of medicine is the sweetest soften. The apple juice twice a day is a good tip. If this fails, the prune juice is even better. So if your son is on his knees, you can put in a tub with hot water. This will relax your muscles and make stools easier to pass.

Sarah said...

He gives too much food too soon. She is not ready. Breastfeeding alone for the first year at least. Waaaay to slow down is a sign.

Mommy to David said...

Probably it's just not ready.

Some infants Arent prepared much closer to a year.

to know the best way that it is ready to leave food. If they can choose the food and chew it should be easy to digest.

Rice is binding ...

Give it some time. My son started solids at 8 months, feeding on almost all times and never had a problem with him.

Goodjob to make everything cool, keep up the good work, Mom!

Mommy to David said...

Probably it's just not ready.

Some infants Arent prepared much closer to a year.

to know the best way that it is ready to leave food. If they can choose the food and chew it should be easy to digest.

Rice is binding ...

Give it some time. My son started solids at 8 months, feeding on almost all times and never had a problem with him.

Goodjob to make everything cool, keep up the good work, Mom!

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